The "Hyaku-Shiki", a prominent mobile suit in the "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" and "Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ" series, is known for its distinctive gold coating, a practical and aesthetic feature that disperses beam attacks. This sleek and agile mobile suit is armed with a beam rifle, clay bazooka, and beam sabers for diverse combat capabilities. Piloted by the legendary Quattro Bajeena (a pseudonym for Char Aznable), the Hyaku-Shiki excels in both speed and maneuverability, effectively confronting various adversaries. Equipped with flying armor for enhanced aerial and space operations, it plays a crucial role within the AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group) in their uprising against the oppressive Titans, showcasing its significant combat prowess and contributing to essential victories. The Hyaku-Shiki remains a fan favorite for its unique design and balanced performance in the vast Gundam universe.
- Beam Saber,
- Beam Riffle,
- Clay Bazooka.
Height : 12.5 cm approximately.