Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Internal Structure - Freedom Gundam B Style
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Internal Structure - Freedom Gundam B Style
The Freedom Gundam is a fictional mecha from the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED" and "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny" anime series. Created by Hajime Katoki, it is part of the Gundam franchise, which is known for its intricate and varied giant robots called "mobile suits." The Freedom Gundam serves as a significant unit in the series, piloted by the main character Kira Yamato.
The Freedom Gundam is a powerful mobile suit built by the protagonist Kira Yamato's allies to combat oppressive forces in the storyline. It possesses advanced technology, agility, and weaponry, including beam rifles, beam sabers, and remote weapons called "DRAGOONs" (Discerning Reinforcement Automated Gun Operation Units). The DRAGOONs are remote-controlled weapon pods that can surround enemies and deliver precise energy-based attacks.